School choir

There are 7 school choirs in Sandnes. Like the school bands, they belong to a school and are faith-neutral. The school choirs are for pupils in primary school and in some places also secondary school. The rehearsals are often immediately after school at the school to which the choir belongs. Here you practice for concerts and other great musical experiences.

All school pupils can start in a school choir and you do not necessarily have to be a pupil at the school to which the school choir belongs. It is common to start in the choir when the school year begins in autumn or spring, but it is often possible to start at other times as well. Some school choirs are divided by grade, according to how many members they have.

The school choirs are voluntary organisations managed by the members and their guardians. Here, parents have the opportunity to help with various tasks. This is a great way for parents to get to know other parents and children, where everyone in cooperates to contribute to the community, resulting in a great experience.

School choirs in Sandnes

Choir Practice location More information

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