School bands

The school bands are for children aged 7-19. The bands are faith-neutral. In the school bands, you learn to play a musical instrument in collaboration with others. Members meet once or twice a week to practice with a conductor or instructor. In addition, the school band musicians receive training from their own instrument teacher to develop their skills. This happens either through the band or in collaboration with the Culture School. In the bands, everyone is important and the members are given challenges that are adapted to their levels.

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The bands can have different compositions of instruments, but commonly include woodwind (flute, clarinet, saxophone), brass (cornet, trumpet, baritone, horn, trombone and tuba) and percussion. In the school bands, you can borrow instruments and other equipment that you may need.

You can start in the school band in the spring when you are in 2nd grade. It is common for the bands to accept beginners in April/May. Children who already play an instrument and read music can start at any time.

The school bands provide a positive and safe leisure environment. All adults who work with children in the bands must provide a police certificate.

The bands are voluntary organisations managed by the members and their guardians. Parents have the opportunity to help with various tasks. This is a great way for parents to get to know other parents and children, where everyone cooperates to contribute to the community, resulting in a great experience.

School bands in Sandnes

School bands Practice location More information

Austrått school band

Austrått school

Austrått skolekorps

Bogafjell school band

Bogafjell ungdomsskole (junior high school)

Bogafjell skolekorps

Ganddal school band

Lundehaugen ungdomsskole (junior high school)

[Ganddal skolekorps](

Hana school band

Hana school

Hana skolekorps

Hommersåk school band

Riska ungdomsskole (junior high school)

Hommersåk skolekorps

Lura school band

Lura school

Lura skolekorps

Sandnes school band

Trones school

Sandnes skolekorps

Sandved school band

Sandved school

Sandved skolekorps

Stangeland school band

Stangeland school

Stangeland skolekorps

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